Lake District Diaries

My view on teaching wheel throwing/pottery

My view on teaching wheel throwing/pottery

In 2024 I welcomed over 400 budding potters into my clay workshop in Crofton, Cumbria. That's 400 people who learned how to center clay properly, position their body correctly, utilise pressure and hand positioning to shape their pots and make most of the clay in front of them. It's a lot! It's a lot to take in on a day session in a pottery workshop for someone who's never sat at potters wheel before, but it's also a lot for us, pottery teachers. I thought long and hard about what sort of experience I want to provide for my course participants...

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In search of Cumbrian clay - Part 1

In search of Cumbrian clay - Part 1

Wild clay has been on my mind for over a year now and this month I finally found some in a place I must have visited over 20 times before without noticing it!

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